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[boyslut] !son
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[MERRIL] any crossdressers?
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[^luis^] NOTE: If you are a son looking for a dad, type !son in the message window and get a +next to your nick
[Timmy14] !son
^luis^ sets mode: +v Timmy14
* CurtCT is looking for a young teen son … msg me plz …
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Pvt Msg

[Timmy14] hi
[CurtCT] hi, stats?
[Timmy14] 5 1, 110, brn, brn u?
[CurtCT] 6 2, 220, brown hair, blue eyes, 7” cut, clean shaven, lightly hairy, muscular
[Timmy14] 5c, smooth, clean shaven hehe
[CurtCT] where are you?
[Timmy14] MA
[CurtCT] had sex with a man?
[Timmy14] Yep
[CurtCT] what have you done?
[Timmy14] Everything
[CurtCT] you live with both parents?
[Timmy14] foster parnets
[CurtCT] I’m looking for a boy like you to come and live with me and be my son
[Timmy14] IC
[CurtCT] do you think you might like to do that? I would make you feel real good
[Timmy14] Maybe
[CurtCT] you have email?
[Timmy14] Yep Timmystevens85@hothail.com
[CurtCT] ok, I have to go now but we’ll chat later and by email
[Timmy14] THNX for playing with me. BYE
[CurtCT] bye

Timmy thought it odd that Curt didn’t ask him to send a picture during this first chat. He wondered why a man would want a boy to come and live with him without having seen what he looks like. It made him think that perhaps it didn’t matter what he looked like, that any boy would do.

But they did exchange photographs during the second chat. Timmy sent a beginning of the year school portrait, face only, and Curt sent an upper body snapshot of himself in a faded blue, button down shirt.

They did some cyber sex together that was really hot and got Timmy really excited. There were some guys who would play with him once in a while, but the idea of having lots of sex, every day and every night, appealed to him very much. But the boy had never met anyone from chat and his friends had advised him that it wasn’t a good idea. He told Curt this.



I am 39 6 2' 220 brown/blue 7c. I have my own house and a good job.

What else would you like to know? What are your stats again? What do you like to do for fun?

Do you have any more pics? If you have some that haven’t been scanned you could send them snail mail.

I hope we will meet one day and have some fun. And also hope that you will come to live with me. I want to have you with me all the time. We would play a lot together.

I would love you and take good care of you.



HI Curt

I don’t have any other pics. Maybe I can get a friend to take one of me seomtime. No one else would want to.

I’m little for my age 5 1, 110, 5c

I like to go swimming and play pool. I like to listen to country music, but not a big fan or anything. I just put it on the radio sometimes. One of the guys I know likes it.

It is really FUN chatting with U. If I was going to meet anyone from chat it would be U.

THNX for playing with me, Timmy.

Timmy thought that the reason the man had asked for his stats again was because the fellow wasn’t sure that Timmy was real. Maybe Curt wanted to see if Timmy would tell him the same things as before. And for the same reason, wanted to have more photos. If they were sent by regular mail, the man might have hoped to get a return address and then know where he lived.

The youngster wondered if Curt might not just come and find him and take him away. He figured that if he met the man at all, the guy would want him to go back to Connecticut immediately. Right after some hot sex, he probably would want to go and might agree to it, the youth thought.


Hi Timmy

It was good to hear from you. I hope to catch you online soon.

I would take lots of pics of you. :)

Your stats sound nice. I like them a lot and I like you a lot.

We could swim together I am good at it. Also I like to play pool. I like all kinds of music. :)

We can play more times, hope in persn too. I see us together oneday and it will begin like this. I will wake up and feal you next to me. I give you a kiss on the back of the neck. Then slide my hand downwards and massage your balls. and slowly pull you onto your back. I willl kiss you on your lips feeling your balls and your dick as it gets hard. I kiss your nipples and then move down and suck on your dick making you feel great. Weather you wake up or not I do not know. Let me know.

I want to make you feel good. I enjoy what we do on chat but really want to do it for real.



Hi Curt

I would wake up for sure and would let you know somehow. Maybe I would touch your hair or maybe I would say something like, That feels great, or THNX Curt, or HI Dad. Then maybe you would ask me to do something for you. I would wait for you to tell me cuz I like it when you decide these things and I think you like it that way too.

It would be great to wake up like that every morning. A guy I chatted with once said that after sex he would want me to go to sleep lying right on top of him. That sounded kewl. I wonder if I could go to sleep that way. I’m sure I would roll off during the night anyway. What do you think?

If you would be mad at me if we never met we should stop now. I can’t promise anything. A person on the net can be anything. You could be a maniac. I could be a cop.

Anyway, if I came to live with you how would you explain that to the neighbors?

If what we are doing on chat isn’t fun for you we should stop. I don’t want to make you unhappy.


Timmy was both entranced and a little frightened of the man’s intensity, concerned that unsatisfied lust could turn to vengeful anger. The kid thought that if he chatted with the man long enough a decision would become clear. Either he would find that the man was a genuinely loving person and go to him or decide that he was dangerous and break it off.

The boy knew that the kind of pictures that Curt would want to take would be sexy poses in the nude. He had told the youngster that he would like them both to be nudists at home. That there would be lots of sex, Timmy had been left in no doubt.


Hi Timmy

I’m glad you would wake up. Then I know that you would enjoy it. it would be close to this every morning. And when you woke up you could make me feel good by doing what you would like or do what you think I would like you to. Yes it would be nice to tell you to do something and have you do it for me.

You could always just go to sleep next to me while I hold you close. We could feel each others body heat.

I would not be angry but unhappy if we never met. I am looking for a boy like you to live with me as my son.

It’s none of their business. Would tell them that you are adopted son or a relative who needs a place to live.

Thanks for thinking of my feelings. I am glad for now we can chat and be friends. Hope one day we can do more than just chat and cyber. That will be up to you and if you are who you say.



HI Curt

I’m good THNX and hope U are. I don’t want to get myself into a mess or get U into one.

People can be nosy and make trouble even if it isn’t any of their business. They would see me coming in and out and might ask questions. How would you get me enrolled for school?

I hope we have a chance to chat soon. Sometimes I am thinking of you when I jo.


It didn’t seem to Timmy that Curt had thought through how to manage the sudden arrival of a boy living with a single man without raising the kinds of suspicions that could lead to an investigation. If that happened, it was doubtful that he would be returned to his foster parents but, most likely, to a group home with a lot of restrictions on his movements.

Another possibility was that the man did not worry about these things, because Timmy wouldn’t be seen coming and going. Once he got there, perhaps he wouldn’t be allowed out. Being a sex slave wasn’t a fearful prospect, but the chance of heavy S&M was. He wasn’t the sort of boy who cared for pain.


Hi Timmy

I am good. I understand what you are saying but am sure we would not get into one.

I would tell them you are a relative that needs a home. That should satify them.

I could get custody of you and that would allow me to enrol you in school. The courts are letting people get custody of runaways. It gets them of the street.

We can chat again soon. Was busy yesterday and did not get online. I have thought about you when I have jo too. Hope you get a few more photos of you.



HI Curt

Monday at school I will see if I can get a kid to take a pic of me. I have done some favors so have a good chance. It may take a little while.

My friend says I am too young to run away, but that he isn’t. Bobby said that CT wasn’t far enough. But he is in such a bad mood everything is bad. His mom is giving him a hard time and he can’t have any fun.


The man’s answer about school did not reassure Timmy. He did not believe that the courts would let a single man have custody of a runaway boy just for the asking. As a foster kid he knew about social workers and state systems for “protecting” young people. If he didn’t say who he was and where he came from, he would end up in some juvenile facility. And if he did say, he would be promptly shipped back to Massachusetts.

Nor did he think that Curt believed his own answer. More likely, school wouldn’t be a problem because he wouldn’t be going to school. He didn’t mind that idea, except that a school age boy not going to school would be another suspicious circumstance for the neighbors to chew on. If they knew he was living at the fellow’s house, that is.



How are you? Kewl hope you can get more pics of you. So how s it going today? What did you do last night?

CT is far enough for him or you not to be found. Let him know he can come here. That sucks how his Mom is .

Try to cheer him up. If Bobby wants to join us thats kewl I will take good care of him too if that is ok with you.



HI Curt

I’m good THNX how are U doing? A friend says he can take a pic of me tomorrow. He has one of those throw away cameras with one or two shots left.

Bobby’s Mom thinks he is messing around with older guys. She accused one of them. Bobby told that he is gay but wasn’t doing anything with that guy.

Last night I did homework and watched part of a dumb rental movie. Thrilling huh? What did you do?

Hugs, Timmy

In a subsequent chat Curt expanded on the idea of having other boys join them for sex. After Timmy was living with him, he would like him to find other boys and bring them home. Timmy should then start fooling with a kid and then Curt would appear on the scene.

Timmy expressed some doubts about this, pointing out that a lot of boys would be frightened of a big guy like Curt suddenly appearing. Then he might tell his parents and get them both in a lot of trouble. The fellow back peddled, but Timmy feared that he still would be expected to do this.

On the other hand, these notions reassured the youngster that he wouldn’t be kept forever in the man’s basement playroom and never see the light of day again.



Things are OK. Thats kewl. Wish I could have watched with you or made one with you. Be nice for us to make a few movies. :)

So what is up for tonight? Wish you were here with me. I know you would enjoy it. Just us together. :)

So did you get a few pics taken of you? What kind of pics will they be?

Have a goodone hope to see you online.



HI Curt

Nothing is up for tonight, just like last night. I bet I would enjoy being with you instead. HEHE

Would you really make a movie of us?

A friend took pics yesterday. He thought there may be two shots left on the roll, but one for sure. They are just of me at a desk in school.

Hugs, Timmy

Timmy wondered who would hold the video camera. Was Curt planning on there being other men with them as well as other boys? What would happen to the photographs and videos that the man would make? Would they be shown to other people, passed around on the internet or sold?



Glad to haer back from you. Great pic you are really cute

So what s up for the weekend? Not a lot here maybe going to goout to the Y and see what I can in the locker room and showers.

I really wish I could meet you and hold you in my arms and love you. I hope one day Soon you will ask me up for the weekend. If Bobby wants to join us thats kewl. Untill then I am happy to trade e-mails with you and to chat with you.

Love u Curt

PS: Your other friends that are gay are they looking for someone or like older guys too?


HI Curt

I will ask Bobby about the two of us meeting with you together. I haven’t told him much about you. I only told him that you lived in CT and wanted a kid to come and live with you. I don’t usually tell one person much about anyone else. It should be up to them to tell what they want to.

Kent has a couple of older friends. One of them gave him this computer to use. He keeps it at Stanley’s house so his parents wont see it. Stanley had a friend who moved away. He is looking for someone near. He and Kent would never run away.

I hope you have a good time at the Y and find someone to play with. HeHe We could go to the Y together maybe.

Love u back, Timmy

Leaving a note and running away was what Timmy thought would be the best way for him to go to Curt. If Curt came and got him it would be kidnapping. That didn’t seem too smart to him. Not that the fellow seemed to worry about that sort of thing.



Maybe one time I am up there visiting you they could join us for fun. :)

Yes I would like to go to the Y with you. Never made it there. Would like to. We could go too Amusement parks and ride the rides and we can go camping We can also be naked and have fun in the woods. Or maybe go to the beach at night and play in the sand. If we are at a mall we can use the rest rooms. :) and anything else we would like to do. We could go someplace fun for a vacation.

Have a good one


HI Curt,

I am doing OK. How is everything with U? Kent and Stanley would never join us for fun but Bobby might.

A lot of the things you tell me get me excited and make me want to be with you. If I were with you like dad and son, I would want you to tell me what you would like so I can do it.

I am really glad we met and are getting to know each other. I hope it is all right for me to make suggstions. You are the dad so you decide if we do them or not.

Have FUN, Timmy

Yet more ideas about risky undertakings. Why would a man want to have sex in a mall rest room when he already has a kid he can play with in the safety of his own home? Curt must get a kick out of doing dangerous things, Timmy decided.



So how are you doing? I am very happy that you contacted me and that we chat and exchange e-mails and one day we are going to meet and enjoy it.

A lot of thing you tell me get me exicted also. And the more I chat or get e-mails from you the more I thinnk you would make me a very happy Dad and bea good son.

YOu can make any sugestion you want. I will always listen to what you have to say. I am certain we will try alot of new stuff and hope we can do lots of stuff other places besides home.

Just sitting here getting hard thinking about being with you. Hope we both are online this weekend. Iwill be busy on Sat 12 to when notsure. But free in the morning.

Love u
Curt(hope to be your Dad/lover one day)


HI Curt

I think we would play a lot together if I was with you. I know you would like to have other boys join us. Would you like other guys join us?

I will try to get online tomorrow morning. I probably can. It would be fun to chat with you some more.

I am having a good day THNX. I hope you are too.

Love u back, Timmy

The following morning, Timmy looked for Curt in the chat room where they usually met. The man’s nick did not appear at any of the times that the boy checked. The youngster never received an answer to the last e-mail. Nor did he ever chat with Curt again.

The youth wondered what had happened. Perhaps the man had a date to meet another boy on that Saturday afternoon. He hoped so. He hoped that Curt and some kid were so happy with each other that there was no room in the fellow’s mind for him any longer.

But he feared that Curt might have made a date with an FBI agent and was now in jail. Or met a boy and was reckless, getting himself into trouble and, worst of all, maybe hurting the kid. Timmy didn’t want any of these latter things to be true, but he knew they could be.

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